Ko Oon Kuan

Ko Oon Kuan

Ko Oon Kuan is the  Director of BEGEB Consultancy Pte Ltd (www.begeb.sg)

BEGEB provide international-quality BI (Business Intelligence) Solutions at affordable prices to SMEs, and enable them to improve profitability through BI. BEGEB also support large companies / subsidaries of large companies in BI / Analytics Projects, delivering BI / Analytics benefits to them based on their BI / Analytics needs,


Combined Experience of BEGEB’s Team:

BI / Analytics for Banking (10 countries & 9 countries, respectively)
Analytics for a large company in Security industry
BI / Analytics for a company in Transport industry (subsidiary of a large company)

BI for F&B
BI for Consumer Electronics
BI for Logistics
BI for Defence Technology
BI for small business



Targeted ReferralsF&B and Retailers with 3 or more branches
Potential Collaboration PartnersInsurance, Corporate Secretariat, and Accountant.
TradeBusiness Intelligence
CompanyBEGEB Consultancy